10 important questions you should ask yourself before you go on a vacation

Which states in India do you want to visit?

India has 28 states and 8 union territories. Decide which states you want to visit, considering the distance and the amount of time you have.

What is the weather like in the states you want to visit?

Check the weather in the states you want to visit to make sure you pack the appropriate clothes and gear.

What is your travel budget for touring India states? 

Determine your travel budget for touring India states, including transportation, accommodation, food, and activities.

Who am I going with?

Are you traveling solo, with friends, or with family? Knowing who you're going with can help you plan activities and accommodations that are suitable for everyone.

What's the purpose of the trip?

Understanding the purpose of your trip can help you choose a destination and plan activities that align with your goals.

What's the local culture like?

Research the local customs and traditions of your destination to avoid unintentionally offending locals or breaking any cultural norms.

What's the transportation situation?

Research transportation options, such as public transportation or rental cars, to determine the best way to get around your destination.

What's the local cuisine like? 

Research the local cuisine and try new foods to fully immerse yourself in the local culture.

What documents do I need? 

Make sure you have an Aadhar card, pan card, and any other travel documents required for your destination. 

What's my emergency plan?

Prepare for emergencies by researching the local emergency services and having a plan in case of unexpected situations.

By asking yourself these 10 important questions before you go on a vacation, you can ensure that you have a fun, safe, and memorable experience. Happy travels!